Beyond R3M

Beyond R3M

Dear Friend, Reaching Out Although the focus of the ministry at Rancho 3M is the at-risk and orphaned children who live here, there are extensions to that, such as the daily ministry at our Christian school, and occasionally an outreach event to our community. ...
Growing Together

Growing Together

Dear Friend, Experiencing God’s Gift of Friendship One of the joys of serving at Rancho 3M is witnessing how God works in the lives of His children.  Last summer, I shared in a newsletter that Leydi (pronounced Lady) put her faith in Christ and immediately began...

Discipling the Next Generation

Wow – so much has happened since last month that I hardly know where to begin. Therefore, I will focus on something very important to us – discipleship. While of course we strive to raise all our children in the Lord, we have a particular burden for the...

Birthday Adventures with the Boys!

Dear Friends, YONNY TURNED 14! The Lord continues showing the children here at Rancho 3M His great love and care for them.  One of our children, Yonny, was brought to the Ranch with his siblings when he was a mere four years old.  With a background of extreme poverty,...

Orphan Sunday

Dear Friends, GOD’S HEART FOR THE FATHERLESS Thank you for your care to the children here at Rancho 3M!  We so appreciate your love, support and care for these children who are very near the heart of God.  These fatherless children are vulnerable, easily...