Rocio came from an abusive and Mormon background. She is grateful to be safe at Rancho 3M, where she received the truth of the Word of God, and recently put her faith in Jesus Christ.

by | Mar 24, 2016

March 24, 2016

Dear Friends,

Thank you for supporting the at-risk and orphaned children of Rancho 3M! Your gift is helping shine the light of truth in the spiritual darkness here in Mexico.

Meet Rocio. She used to live in poverty with her grandma and her mom, who are Mormons – which is not common here. Her mom had many men in and out of her life, and she was physically abusive to Rocio, so they had a bad relationship. She was brought to the Ranch last year with her younger sister and was quite content to be here where she is safe and well cared for. She also received her own Bible with her name engraved on it. She told us she did not miss her home life.

At that same time, the lady staff started meeting with the older girls twice a week to read and discuss a gospel-based purity book called, Before you meet Prince Charming (in Spanish). The girls were taught about waiting for the right guy (which is a radical concept for the backgrounds these girls come from) and more importantly, getting right with God. They were encouraged to repent of their sins and put their faith in Christ. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

Rocio took these words seriously and told my wife and me that she wanted to become a Christian. We went through many passages in the Bible with her and made sure she understood the gospel. Then we prayed with her. She asked for God’s forgiveness for her sins, and by God’s grace, she put her trust in Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior.

Rocio is extremely grateful to live at the Ranch – and she is not alone! Rancho 3M is a big family. We consider all of you, who partner with us to care for these precious children, as part of our family too. We are all very grateful for you! Thank you!

By His grace,

Dean Adamek
Executive Director, Rancho 3M

“…and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32
