R3M Joins the Orchestra!

by | Nov 14, 2018

Dear Friends,

Expanding their horizons

Something sobering we have learned from living in Mexico these twenty years, is that there are not nearly as many opportunities in life as there are in the U.S.  Therefore, besides an emphasis on discipleship, we are giving our children opportunities to learn practical life skills such as construction, retail, and agriculture.  These skills help equip them break the chains of poverty they have come from.

Recently, an opportunity for some of our kids to learn a new life skill became a reality – MUSIC.  There is a large orchestra (over 400 children), that meets at the church we attend in Juarez, called “Esperanza Azteca”.  It is one of the top orchestras in the entire country of Mexico and it is run by a strong Christian from that church.  Some of the graduates from this program have gone on to universities with scholarships because of their musical achievements through this orchestra.

By the kindness of God, sixteen of our kids were able to join!  The younger ones are in the choir, and the youth are learning music theory and different instruments: the violin, viola, cello, clarinet, oboe, and French horn.  We were told that one of the best things they will learn is discipline.  Because of this increase in discipline, students in the orchestra often improve in their academics, as well as in their good behavior – which we have already noticed!

The Challenge

But often, great opportunities come with a great cost.  The orchestra meets five days a week for several hours each day. After school, our children leave Rancho 3M at 3:00 and return at 8:00 pm.  As much as we love having them in the orchestra, the time and the cost have been a real stretch for us.  Our goal is to relieve our already busy staff and hire someone to drive the kids each evening.  Between a driver, tuition, and all the other costs involved, we’re looking at a minimum of $720 per month.

As the year comes to a close, would you please consider contributing to this ministry?  As we continue to grow, we could really use your help!  Thank you!

By His grace,

Dean Adamek

Executive Director
