New Library!

by | Jul 20, 2018


For some time, we have wanted to develop a library for our children to promote a love of reading and learning.  We believe that reading is a crucial element of giving our children a well-rounded education and opening their horizons.  But most importantly, we want our children to be able to read of Christ’s saving work in the Bible, and come to know Him as their Lord and Savior.

In light of this, we have put together a Library Wish List at Amazon of wholesome, inspiring books that we believe would make a positive difference in the lives of our children.

If you would, please prayerfully consider if the Lord would have you order a book or two for our little ones.

This list will continue to be updated, so if this is something the Lord has laid on your heart please check back again.  Also, once a book is purchased it will automatically be removed from the list so that there are no duplicate purchases.  Book donations can be sent to us at:

Rancho 3M
P.O. Box 3660 Fabens,
TX 79838

If you have any questions or children’s book suggestions, please contact us.

Thank you all for your consideration and also for your continued support and prayers!

By His grace,
Dean Adamek, Executive Director
