Making Disciples

by | Apr 7, 2018


Of all the responsibilities we have in caring for the children at Rancho 3M, discipleship is very rewarding.  The staff ladies have been going through a book with the older girls called, Lies Young Women Believe: And The Truth that Sets Them Free.  After the class, they have a fun time of snacks and lots of talking.  Having all sons is a stark reminder of how much girls can talk!  (See pic below).

One of the chapters in their book hit on the most vital truth about God for them.  They are learning that their Heavenly Father is perfect and good and will never leave them nor forsake them.  God being a good Father is a hard concept for them to grasp, considering their experiences with their earthly fathers have been traumatic or non-existent.  They are learning not to see God as someone like their earthly father (who has left them), but rather to see their earthly father through a mindset that begins and ends with God’s grace, “…forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32).  Please pray that the Lord will help them forgive their earthly fathers.


We have also been trying to help the all children get into the habit of reading their Bibles daily.  We gave them a goal of reading the gospel of Matthew, one chapter every day, which took about a month.  The prize was a pizza party for everyone who completed the 28 chapters.  The staff read to those who are unable to read on their own, and everyone was given a little list of the chapters to keep track of their progress.

When it was finally time for the pizza party dinner, the kids were filled with excitement. Between the adrenaline, the sodas, and the doughnuts for dessert, the staff probably had a blast getting the little ones to sleep that night!  Next, we plan to go through the gospel of Mark. The long-term goal is to help them read through the entire Bible!  Please pray that the Lord would open “their minds to understand the Scriptures” (Luke 24:45).  Thank you for your partnership with us in the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

By His grace,

Dean Adamek

Executive Director
