Looking ahead to 2017

by | Dec 30, 2016


Thank you for helping us care for at-risk and orphaned children through your kind gifts or prayers or visit this past year.  We greatly appreciate your support of this ministry, as more than ever, we are receiving children who are wards of the state and who come from extremely troubled backgrounds.


Every year our children are given the opportunity to stay with a relative or friend who can care for them temporarily for Christmas. There are always a few children who have no place safe to go, but this year almost half of our kids were unable to leave.  We were overjoyed to spend Christmas with them, but their circumstances break our hearts.  We thank God for the hope that He has given them through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ!


Looking back on 2016, we can see the Lord’s faithful provision through your support.

  • An excellent new curriculum by McGraw Hill was bought and is being implemented at our school.  This is a valuable addition to our school’s development as it emphasizes reading comprehension and English.
  • Our children have been growing spiritually over the past year as well.  Thanks be to God, several of our children professed faith in Jesus this past year!  Praise God!  Also many new children, who are able to read now, received their first very own Bible.  Please pray that His Word would take root in their hearts, leading to saving faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Thanks to your generous support, the girls were ecstatic to move into their new home at the end of the summer!
  • Two of our girls started running a new store we opened at the Ranch.
  • A few of our boys have had great success raising their own pigs and made a profit on the sale. Others have began learning basic animal husbandry.  We were also very blessed to have received two horses – the children have had a blast learning to ride and care for them.


Looking ahead to 2017, Lord willing, we plan to continue our Sunday series going through the our current series “Great Stories of the Bible”.  We will also be going through a book with the children called Yell and Tell, which instructs children on how to avoid sexual abuse.  In addition, we also have plans to launch a School Sponsorship Program, which will allow underprivileged children from the community to attend our Christian school.  As for construction (something that will affect those of you who visit us), we will begin renovating the old girls’ home into the new Visitors’ Center!  The existing visitors’ dorm (which was old when it was bought as the children’s home in 1969!) will be torn down for safety reasons.

None of these plans would be possible if it were not for God working through generous friends like you to faithfully provide for His children. Thank you for partnering with us this past year in caring for children who are dearly loved by God.  We pray that you will continue to partner with us in 2017!  THANK YOU!!!

By His grace,

Dean Adamek

Executive Director, Rancho 3M
