Alfredo survived Leukemia & came to the Ranch when he was 8. He recently graduated from our Christian primary school at age 13

by | Jul 22, 2016

July 22, 2016

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for your recent gift and/or prayers!  Your support is helping us care for at-risk and orphaned children at Rancho 3M, and giving them the privilege of receiving a Christian education at our school, Logsdon Academy (named after the co-founder of Rancho 3M, Irene Logsdon).

We would like you to meet Alfredo.  As a young child, he was diagnosed with Leukemia.  His “father” and mother were avid drug users and mentally unstable.  They did not want him anymore after finding out about his cancer, so they signed custody over to his paternal grandmother (who many not actually be related since no one is sure who his real father is).  His “father” committed suicide a few months later.  Alfredo’s grandmother is poor, and had to beg for money in the streets to put him through the expensive treatments that he needed.

By the grace of God, Alfredo was finally finished with the treatments and became cancer-free.  But after the risk-of-return period was over, his grandmother felt she was no longer able to continue caring for him, and decided to bring him to Rancho 3M when he was eight years old.  He still had his catheter in his chest when he arrived, and continues to get his bone marrow checked periodically.  Alfredo was received with warmth and compassion by our loving Christian staff.  Providentially, staff members, Teo and Lety, recognized him as one of the children who went through chemo with their little son, Jair, who passed away when he was five.

Although the Leukemia has left Alfredo mentally and physically behind his peers, with the Lord’s help, we continue to push him forward in his learning and to help him develop his God-given abilities. One of his favorite pastimes is keeping a beat, so my son Taylor has been patiently teaching him the drums over the years.  Alfredo is now thirteen and is maturing into a kind-hearted young man.  Recently, I had the honor and joy of awarding him with his diploma from our primary school.  He is excited to be entering our middle school this August.

As we look back on where Alfredo has come from, we are just amazed at the Lord’s mercy and kindness  in sparing his life, and in bringing him to the Ranch to learn about receiving eternal life through        Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.  Alfredo and all the other Ranch kids recently learned this verse,     “Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6

Please join us in praying that Alfredo will come to trust in the Lord as his Heavenly Father, who will never leave him, nor forsake him.  Thank you for faithfully supporting all of the children here at Rancho 3M!

By His grace,

Dean Adamek
Executive Director, Rancho 3M

“Rescuing, caring for, training and discipling at-risk and orphaned children for the glory of God “
