“Abi” came to Rancho 3M as a toddler. Now she’s in Kindergarten at our Christian school.

by | Jul 15, 2016

June 15, 2016

Dear Friends,

We thank God for you!  The Lord is using the gifts and prayers of big-hearted folks like you to advance His kingdom here at Rancho 3M through the lives of little children.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”  (from Matthew 19:14)

Meet “Abi” (we can’t disclose her real name since she’s under custody of the state).

Her mother abandoned her in their home when she was only a toddler.  The neighbors found her and took her in, but soon she was given to the state and brought to the Rancho 3M Baby Home.  Our all-female staff lovingly took care of Abi as if she were their own daughter.  They fed her nutritious meals, kept her clean, and most importantly they taught her about the Lord Jesus Christ.  Many times when my wife and I would visit the toddlers, they would be singing praise songs or reciting a simple Bible verse with their caretakers. Abi calls each of the female staff “Mama ___ (insert name).”

Then a big change occurred for us – the Mexican government changed their law concerning the type of cases that would be taken, and thus they stopped sending us cases that involved babies and toddlers. Eventually, we only had two toddlers left in the Baby Home.  After much prayer and counsel, we decided to move the two toddlers to the Girls’ Home and to re-purpose the Baby Home.  The Baby Home would become the new Girls’ Home!

Many generous teams and individuals have been working diligently to make necessary changes to the Baby Home to accommodate for the younger and older girls that will be living there.  It is the type of living arrangement we’ve been wanting for the children for a long time.  They will have their own kitchen and dining area, which we hope will make it feel more like a family home.  Lord willing, we would like to be finished by early next month. In the future, we would like to build a home like this for the older boys and one for the younger boys.

But none of this would be happening if it were not for the generous support of caring folks all over the US, like you, working hand in hand with us to move forward in providing better care, living conditions and a solid Christian education for the children of Rancho 3M.  On behalf of all the children and staff – Thank you!

By His grace,

Dean Adamek
Executive Director, Rancho 3M

“Rescuing, caring for, training and discipling at-risk and orphaned children for the glory of God “
