The Lord has been working in the Bible Reading Program!

by | Jul 5, 2018


Being a part of God’s work together with you is so exciting!  THANK YOU for your gifts and prayers!  As we mentioned in a previous newsletter, we have been reading through the Bible with the children, one book at a time, starting with the gospels.  After each book we reward the kids with a special treat that they vote on (so far this year we have had a pizza party and an afternoon of water games!).  We are now in the book of Luke.  I should not have been surprised by this, but the Lord began moving in the hearts of the children and opening their minds to understand the Scriptures.

One little girl (pictured above with the ice cream bar), who comes from a rough background, kept asking us when she could be baptized.  We explained to her that she needed to first repent of her sins and put her trust in Jesus.  One recent afternoon she came to our house to do just that.  After a sweet time of reading through the Scriptures together, my son and I prayed with her to receive Christ as her Savior!  What a joy!  I was actually amazed by her level of understanding of the Gospel.

When my wife walked her to the kids’ kitchen for dinner, another girl, Leidy, asked how she could also be saved.  Leidy is 12 years old and fairly new to the Ranch (pictured below in orange, sitting with Norma).  God has given her a very tender heart towards Him.  Leidy came over after dinner and my wife spoke with her about what the Bible declares of God, our sin, Jesus, and our response.  After Leidy read many Scriptures about this, she prayed for God’s forgiveness and put her faith in Christ!  What an awesome day that was!  The seeds of God’s Word are being planted in the children’s hearts daily, and it is a sheer joy to see some of them sprouting up.  Days like that keep us encouraged through the many difficult days that come in between.


Later that week, a team of visitors brought the entire Ranch out for a fun evening of ice cream in the park.  The little kids enjoyed the play equipment while the older kids had an intense game of basketball.  I would love to have half their energy!  Leidy was sitting on the cement bleachers with her younger brother, Carlos, with a sad look on her face.  She said that she tried to explain the Gospel to him, but he didn’t want anything to do with her God.  My wife tried to encourage her to continue to love him and to begin praying for him.  In spite of Leidy’s discouragement, we were encouraged to remember that the Gospel work does not stop with each child we reach – we pray that the Gospel would have a ripple effect going from our children, to their families, to their country and to the unreached until Christ’s return.

How You can Help:

  • Please join us in praying for Carlos and the other children who do not yet trust in the Lord.
  • Please pray for the spiritual growth of these two precious girls who just got saved, and for all the children as they hear God’s Word, that they would understand it, put their faith in Jesus and be doers of the Word and not hearers only.
  • Please pray for the newly elected president of Mexico, particularly how his policies will effect Child Protective Services and Mexico’s at-risk children.
  • Please pray that the Lord would raise up more individuals to financially support the ministry taking place at the Ranch.
  • Please prayerfully consider if the Lord is calling YOU to partner with us financially to support the work the Lord is doing here.

Thank you all for your continued love and support – we are so thankful to the Lord for you!!!

By His grace,

Dean Adamek

Executive Director
