We would like to encourage you that your giving and prayers have not/will not be in vain

by | Nov 12, 2016

November 12, 2016

Dear Friends of Rancho3M,

We would like to encourage you that your giving and prayers have not/will not be in vain – the Lord has produced much fruit here over the decades. Many children have been eternally changed by the life-giving power of the Gospel!

It brings me great joy to see grown-up children of Rancho 3M following the Lord whole-heartedly. The photo above is an example of God’s continued faithfulness and work among several generations of women who grew up at Rancho3M. Moving left to right: Martina helped raise Lety, who helped raise Sonia, who helped raise Valeria, who helped raise Miriam, who is now a support staff helping us raise the next generation to know and love the Lord Jesus Christ. Four of the five ladies are currently on staff, and one supports the Ranch with her husband.

In Titus 2, we read that older women are to “train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled.” It is our goal to not only care for these young women (and young men), but ultimately to train & disciple them in the ways of Jesus Christ.

As these ladies demonstrate, the Lord has been faithful to provide for the Ranch since its inception. It takes an incredible amount of funding to clothe, feed, educate and care for 47 children, and we are so thankful to the Lord and to all the wonderful folks He has used to provide for our children. However, this year we have entered a season of difficulty financially as some of our faithful partners are now unable to support the Ranch in the same way they have in the past.

Therefore, we are praying and asking God to continue providing for the Ranch by raising up a new group of partners to make up for the support we have lost this year. We trust that as God has been faithful to care for the Ranch in past generations, He will continue to be faithful to supply the children’s needs today. We would ask all of you to please pray and ask God whether He would have you contribute a special year-end gift to this ministry, or become a monthly financial & prayer partner. Thank you for joining together with us in caring for abused, abandoned, and at-risk children who are very precious in God’s sight!

By His grace,

Dean Adamek
Executive Director, Rancho 3M

“Rescuing, caring for, training and discipling at-risk and orphaned children for the glory of God “
