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Recientemente, el gobierno nos trajo tres niñas
Dear Friends, We thank God for you! You are helping many needy children from hard places. Though this world does not understand the value of their lives, Jesus “took a child and put him by his side and said to them, 'Whoever receives this child in my name...
Queremos animarles a que sus donaciones y oraciones no han sido ni serán en vano.
November 12, 2016 Dear Friends of Rancho3M, We would like to encourage you that your giving and prayers have not/will not be in vain - the Lord has produced much fruit here over the decades. Many children have been eternally changed by the life-giving power of the...
Domingo de los huérfanos
Dear Friends, GOD'S HEART FOR THE FATHERLESS Thank you for your care to the children here at Rancho 3M! We so appreciate your love, support and care for these children who are very near the heart of God. These fatherless children are vulnerable, easily exploited,...
Gracias al duro trabajo y a la generosidad de muchas personas maravillosas, las niñas se mudaron a su nuevo hogar.
August 23, 2016 Dear Friends, Thank you for supporting this precious ministry to at-risk and orphaned children! You are helping provide a safe and healthy home for many girls and boys here in Mexico. Though they are fatherless, God is their Father. Psalm 68:5...
Alfredo sobrevivió a la leucemia y llegó al Rancho cuando tenía 8 años. Recientemente se graduó de nuestra escuela primaria cristiana a los 13 años.
July 22, 2016 Dear Friends, Thank you so much for your recent gift and/or prayers! Your support is helping us care for at-risk and orphaned children at Rancho 3M, and giving them the privilege of receiving a Christian education at our school, Logsdon Academy...